VIROID 2022: Viroids, viroid-like RNAs, and RNA viruses

14-16 September 2022 | Heraklion, Greece


Dear Colleagues,

We are happy to announce that our VIROID2021 meeting which was postponed by one year due to the COVID19 pandemic, will be now be held in person, in Heraklion, Crete 14-16th of September 2022.

Best wishes
on behalf of the Organizing Committee

About the Workshop

The International Study Group on viroids and viroid-like RNAs, ISGVd, is pleased to welcome you to the 2022 meeting on Viroids, viroid-like RNAs, and RNA viruses. We are anticipating this event to function as a forum to present the most recent findings in the field of Viroids and Viroid-like RNAs. Since the majority of Viroid specialists are also working with plant viruses, most commonly RNA viruses, we thought we would also provide an opportunity to present your work on Viruses with a special session, next to the main focus of the meeting. As is the tradition for this meeting we expect high quality, novel work to be presented and discussed. We have made arrangements to have slots for 30 talks, including 4 invited talks, and more than 30 posters. In order to encourage peers from all possible environments to join our meeting, a limited number of travel grants will be awarded that will cover a portion of the travel costs and will be accompanied by a conference registration waiver.

There will be 7ample time available during the meeting both to network and socialize with colleagues. Finally, as September is still a month with very pleasant weather, and Crete a great place to be and travel, we encourage you to find some time to enjoy your stay outside the meeting.

We look forward to welcoming you to Heraklion!
The Organisers

Important Dates

Registration deadline: 30/6/2022
Abstract submission deadline: 30/6/2022
Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology